
24 January 2013

Donation Thank You

To Jim from CA!  Thanks.  I hope to ride this weekend so ride report maybe pending.

15 January 2013

Ride Report: First Ride 2013

12 Jan 2013:  Solo Excursion
My New Year's Resolution is to ride more.  The last week or so the weather has been unseasonably warm so I thought I try to get a ride in on the weekend.  My brother suggested a Saturday ride so I could be home to watch the Falcons on Sunday.  Unfortunately, it wasn't until after 1 a.m. Saturday morning.

04 January 2013

Ride Report: 3 Ninjas Attack Mountains

23 Dec 2012:  The world didn't end, let's go for a ride!

We had a simple plan that took us all week to develop:  Meet in Cumming at 8 and bring iluvmyfz1's liner since he's coming too.  I layered up and headed out right about when I wanted to on Sunday morning.  The sky was pre-dawn purple and seemed pretty clear.  Before I even got out of the neighborhood, I could feel the icy air blasting into my jacket right where I'd forgotten to snap the top buttons.