
05 April 2010

Ride Report: Twisty Butt Ride Part Four

27 March 2010:  near BRP to Tellico Plains

Later, Mike admitted he had to wing this part of the route because the route transfer from the computer to the gps was not successful.  With road closings and his lack of knowledge of the area, it must have been pretty stressful.

The ride must go on however.  We'd just made half way and there was no turning back now, or so I thought.

Teresa almost missed this shot, but it's still a keeper!

We were near the Blue Ridge Parkway.  Sections of it were closed due to rock slides.  This altered the original route a little bit.

Michelle's shot of the same waterfall

(I think this was in Waynesville)
We had a brief gas stop in Dillsboro while Mike tried to work out where we should go next to keep the route qualified as a twisty enough for a Twist Butt ride.

We continued on the Smoky Mountains Parkway until we got to Hwy 28 where Mike decided to do the first portion of the road, the twistiest part before we back tracked and headed toward the Cherahola Skyway.


Bobby and Teresa



All of this was a blur to me.  We had reached probably the most twisty miles I'd ridden in one day since getting the FZ1.  Usually about this time in a ride, I was heading home.  A half of 5-hour energy drink helped keep my mind in the ride as we pressed onward.

I had to make sure my mind was in the ride because as the day got later, the traffic got heavier.

As soon as we reached the Skyway, there was a road block for license and tag checks.

Police check point:

Along the Skyway

What the...!

Yep, still snow up here.

After a little more than an hour since our last stop, I was wishing for a stop.  My knees were begging for one as theWolf started knawing at them.  At one point, Bobby waited for me to get some video of me along the Skyway.  When I saw the group ahead, I hoped we'd be taking a brief break.  It was not to be.  I found myself pushing harder and harder hoping to get to our next break as quickly as possible.  If I weren't with a group, I would have stopped in the many overlooks for a stretch but I did not want to hold them up any longer than normal.  I kept pushing until I realized I was pushing.  Then I saw the sign that said Tellico Plains was 14 miles away.  I didn't think I could do another 14 miles.  I stopped pushing and willed myself to concentrate once again on my lines and being smooth.

Soon, I saw signs of civilization and hoped to see the group waiting for me.

I have never been so relieved to see a sight.  I don't think I was the only one...
(I have no other explanation for this picture)

We rested for a while, but were soon back on the road.  The road traveled so far:

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