
02 July 2010

When it's too hot to ride, Mod!!

My neice is annoying me...My niece and nephew are here for the holiday!!  Great except that little girl is getting on my last nerve.  She thinks she's cute and nobody can tell her otherwise.

She insisted that I write a whole entry about her and is trying to be the grammar police.  She don't even know how to say bugle!  Either way this post won't just be about her.

She said I should put that she's sweet.  So far she's been all right but there are days when I could just choke her.  Don't let the innocent looks fool you.  She is James Brown Crazy.

Now, on to the actual post...
When it's too hot to ride, Mod!

I've gone Mod crazy!  Earlier this week, I received new adjustable levers for Baby from the eBay store Fire Dragon Brothers.  I can't believe I could succumb to the mod bug so badly.  So far since the beginning of the year I've made the following changes:

1.  Billet Racing Pegs.  I really like the look of those and this is the first mod I've done solely because of looks unlike the gel grips which were a "comfort" mod.  I expected to have a little more legroom but there was no discernible difference.

2.  Seat Mounted Case.  There was a great deal on the hard case so I decided not to wait.  I did not like the red orangey trim so I painted it black last month.  Now it doesn't look cheap.

3.  Yoshimura TRS Stainless Slip On Muffler.  I admit I succumbed to peer pressure.  I couldn't be the only one in our group without one!  Even though it hasn't been completed yet, the planned RR Jet Kit is also apart of this mod.

4.  Painted the Rad Covers.  After seeing them at the rally, it was easy to make my mind up on this free mod.  I did a very bad paint job on one but you have to get close to tell how bad it is.  I'm too ashamed to post pics but I eventually will.

5.  Zero Gravity Sport Touring Windscreen.  I was willing to wait until closer to the departure time for this one, but when it came up on eBay for only $39.99 delivered I did not let it get away.  So far, the biggest difference is less noise in my helmet and the air seems more refreshing than punishing.  The ZG screen is a few inches taller than stock and curved so that there is air directed onto my hands.  I like it.

6.  Black Adjustable Levers.  I've wanted these a long time and just decided to bite the bullet.  I got the standard length Chinese Pazzo Knockoffs in black with black adjusters.  After a short ride with them, I wish I hadn't waited so long.  These and the Pro Grip Gel Grips are on my must do list for any bike I own.  My reason for wanting them was comfort since I have short fingers and getting the OEM levers adjusted to a comfortable position was impossible.  I lived with it but knew there was something better out there.  After a short ride, I learned I had more feel for the clutch and brake.

Here are side by side comparisions of 5 and 6:
Stock vs. ZGST

Clutch Lever

Brake Lever

7.  Devilsyam Anodized Frame Plugs.  His plugs had me breaking one of the seven deadly sins.  Right after I got back from the rally, I saw his post on the FZ1OA forum saying they were back.  He had them in silver and I hoped he'd have some by the time I was ready to order.  A couple of weeks ago, he posts saying he's been at it again.  Yep in Black.  I reserved my set and should be getting them next week.  Boy, I'm glad he got another FZ1!  Now if only the Multigauge would make a return then I'd be all set.

8.  jwhelan65 Rad Guard.  I vacillated on this when I first saw it.  I don't really need it like the other things.  This is the most want of all my mods, not including the slip on which now seems more necessity than want.  No, I don't have it yet, but I will be ordering it next week so to me that counts.

As long as the guys on the forums stop making cool stuff for the Gen I, I'll be okay.  The good news is that I'm almost done with the list of mods I made not long after I got the bike at the end of August 2007.  Just the Hi/Lo HIDs, the Multigauge, and the R1 Fork conversion remain.  The last two are very unlikely since the guy that makes the gauge isn't making them any more and I don't possess the funds or ability to complete the fork conversion.  I hope to get the HIDs this month too.

See what happens when it's too hot to ride?  If I rode after the rally, I would have been too broke to buy levers and windscreens and plugs and guards.


  1. Well, This comment is for your niece. She looks like a pretty girl. And she has a sweet smile. Add to that mix a little James Brown crazy (not Mike Tyson crazy) but just a little JB and what you get is a dynamite personality. She sounds like fun. Bring her on the next ride. We can teach her the meaning of "Scared Straight" Rejeks style. :)
    SO "P" are you a mod whore now?

  2. Cruzman, she says okay can't wait to see you.

    Good thing I don't know where you guys are camping or we'd crash!!

    Not sure I can take her with me, the nephew would be jealous. He's already complaining because she just got her make up ride after one year.

    After a little short ride today, she ain't ready for Rejeks style. She'd need a seat belt!
