
29 October 2010

Nothing to do with motorcycles: Earth's Children Book Series

I promised myself I would keep this moto oriented.  If I found myself wanting to post non-moto stuff, I'd just start a new blog.  Well, I'm not starting a new blog, but I thought you'd want to know about one of my other interests.  You see the counter for the Earth's Children books on the left side of the page.  As well as being an avid fan, theWolf gave me the desire to write fan-fiction.  I say theWolf gave it to me because I lurked on the ECFans site and never contributed for years...until theWolf change my life.

Both of my stories assume you know the EC history from Clan of the Cave Bear and The Mammoth Hunters but I think they can be read as stand alone short stories.  My fan fic stories are:

Clan of the Grey Wolf is about Durc's growth as an adult as he finally accepts his role in society. It begins during his mating isolation period as he reminisces about his childhood and thanks the spirits for finally allowing him to mate. Durc is loved by his clan, but discovers through the eyes of others like him that the rest of the clan merely tolerates them. Durc must decide between his beloved clan and an unknown future.  ~Finished Story~ 

Call of the Grey Wolf is a "parallel" story to my original Clan of the Grey Wolf.  This is a story about the journey (not Journey) that led Rugie to Durc's Clan of the Grey Wolf.  It begins right before Rugie is recognized as a woman and follows her ordeals learning to be a woman and struggling with her Gifts as she learns to be a Healer.  ~In Progress~ 

patrice, theWolfTamer

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