
15 March 2011

Ride Report: Two Waterfall Tour

12 March 2010:  Cruzman meets a moto-in-law
Since I got home from California in 2005 (has it been that long?) and Daddy bought his bike, he's been saying he wants to see some waterfalls.  I've had a route ready since then.  We finally agreed on a date and I called Cruzman and asked if he wanted to tag along.

The Day's Ride
The original plan was to meet at the Buford Waffle House around 9 a.m. but as the week progressed it was clear we were all too excited to wait for such a late start.  That seems funny typing it, 9 a.m. being a late start for me who doesn't get up until after noon on most days but when it comes to riding, as soon as the sun brightens the sky, I'm ready to roll!

This Saturday was no exception as the day dawned crisp and clear.  Temps were forecast to climb into the high 60s low 70s so I left the saddlebags on the bike for the layers I hoped to shed during the day.  Daddy was at Da House a little early.  Daddy got a new bike a few weeks ago, the V-Star 1300 and it looked a little purple in the early morning light.  I guess Star Blue has more purple in it than Yamaha Blue!

We met Cruzman at Waffle House early.  I'm sure he choked on his food when he saw me pull in early for a change but I couldn't tell from the large smile he greeted us with.  Since we were at Waffle House, we couldn't leave without having coffee and hash browns.  Okay, I couldn't leave without the hash browns.  It was the perfect chance for Daddy to get to know Cruzman anyway.  Then, Cruzman was kind enough to spring for breakfast!

We left around 8:30, an hour earlier than our original plan and headed straight for Anna Ruby Falls.  We encountered dancing squirrel in the middle of Hwy 75.  He looked dead but as I got closer he just seemed to be confused as to which way was the best way to go.

There was a lot of rain in the Southeast earlier in the week so I expected the falls to be full and was not disappointed.  A deer crossed in front of me on Anna Ruby Falls RD after getting a drink from the stream below and made an impressive leap up into the forest on the other side of the road.

On the walk up to Anna Ruby Falls:

The Falls:

Daddy and Cruzman on Lake Burton RD:

Making our way to Glen Falls:

I see waterfalls!
The view from Glen Falls:

We stopped at Subway for sandwiches and ate lunch beside the water.  Above Glen Falls:

I don't know what that is over my eye!
A little farther down the trail:

It was about here that I got tired of picking my way over the exposed roots and we decided it was time to head home.  Cruzman made a grand impression on Daddy and Daddy on Cruzman.

It was an outstanding day with great company and awesome views.  It's still a kick to look in the rear view mirror and see my Daddy back there on his bike!

Looking forward to the next ride!

Thanks for reading,
patrice, theWolfTamer

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