
22 June 2011

High Mount Cam

I know it looks like I've been busy with this flurry of posts but all this stuff has been in the works for a month or so now.

A few months ago, I saw a video with an "anti-gravity follow cam" that made me just drool.  I wanted to emulate that shot!  After I used the monopod on the rear, I started thinking about other uses and remembered that video.  I don't want anything mounted to me like he did, but with the monopod mounted to the bike maybe I could get what I wanted.

This afternoon, I went out to the garage to see what could be done.  With my digital camera on the monopod, I started taking some test shots.  Here are the best of them:

I used the velcro wraps to secure the monopod to the rear passenger peg and the grab rail.  Just looking at it, I wasn't sure how stable it would be but I knew it was the shot I wanted.  Next step a quick test ride, basically up the street and back because it started raining as soon as I turned (where I end the video).  Here's the test video:

I'm really surprised it was as stable as it was considering how little I did.  I think I can make it more stable if I took a little more time to work it out.  

The waterproof case combined with the wide angle lens is causing a little issue.  It keeps slipping so you can see the edges in the video.  I'll have to keep an eye on that, ignore it, or shoot vids without in when using the case.

So now with the shock mounts and my monopod, I've got several different options for creating videos.  Now it's time for a real ride with all my cams mounted to see what I can get!

Thanks for reading,
patrice, theWolfTamer

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