
20 June 2017

Ride Report: Back on the Road

27 May 17: Memorial Weekend Ride

I returned from my last ride needing tires and a chain.  My new place has no garage and leaving the bike at my Dad's was a little too far.  Chain and sprockets first.  I wanted to replace both because the chain was so bad I was concerned the sprockets were damaged too.

They weren't.  Lesson learned:  say no to the eBay chain despite specs being almost the same.

Oh how I forgot what a good chain feels like!  A few weeks later, it was time for new rubber.  Parking on the front walk meant no more leaving the bike on the jack and jack stands only.  I wanted something more secure so I got a swingarm stand from Harbor Freight.

Dad got new tires the same day and we planned to break them in by riding to Caffe Rel.  He called and cancelled the night before so I rode anyway.  Warwoman RD to Hwy 28 to Hwy 106 to the Georgia Rd to US 76 to 197 all the way into Clarkesville.  Here's part of the day:

I didn't go to Caffe Rel though.  I ate at Arby's on the way home.  It still was a good day.  I wanted to take more video but I only had one mount since I'd left the bag of mounts at home.  I was riding alone and everyone kept asking where I was going.  I didn't really have a plan beyond Warwoman RD and Hwy 28, so I'd answer "I don't know." and they'd say "That's a good place to go."

It was a good day.

Thanks for reading and watching,
patrice, theWolfTamer


  1. Hi WolfTamer, I finally remembered the blog. It was nice talking to you at Two Wheels Only. I hope you got your tent situation handled. I will be back in the area sometime early Fall, if possible. I will be sure to give notice.

    1. Cool. Glad you remembered the blog. I got a new tent for motorcycle camping that I hope to test before the fall gather.
