
23 August 2021

FZ1 Mods: New Lights...again.

23 August 21: Better Lights?

You'd think I'd learn. Maybe I should just spend a little more on better lights. For the past few years I've only had one working aux light. I replaced the angel lights a couple of years ago but sometime last year, one of those lights went out on me too. This time, I spent a little more and upped the wattage a little to get two lights once again.

After this year's Rally I took the time to finally install the replacement lights I bought at the beginning of the year.  The angel light had worked itself apart so it couldn't work.  So had these cheap replacements that came with a handlebar switch and gave me time to find something I hope will be longer lasting.  These are 15w and can be either white or yellow in color.  They included two styles of mounting brackets and all the hardware needed to install them.  The body of these lights is aluminum and a lot smaller than the cheap plastic 9w ones.

Old vs New

I replaced the non-working light first because I suspected it might be the wiring that caused it to not work.  It wasn't, I nearly blinded myself discovering it. This keeping the bike outside business is hard on the bike.  Baby hates it but until I can find a solution, he's gotta live with the trees.

It didn't take long to put the other light on, but by then the daylight was leaving.

Which turned out to be perfect timing because it gave me time to aim the lights.

With my LED headlights, the effect is amazing.  I live on very dark roads and with these lights I can see a lot of things I used to miss.  I also notice the effect on oncoming traffic during the daylight.

As the photos attest, a tire change is in my near future.  I'm looking forward to seeing how well that goes in this wilderness.  But before I can do anything I have to figure out how to add air as the electricity is far away from where the tire change will happen.

Right now I'm looking for videos of my tire changer in action on motorcycle tires to see if it really doesn't need any mods to work like the two or three I've been able to find seem to show.  That and working on my demount/mount bar.

Stay tuned...

Thanks for reading,

patrice, theWolfTamer

After using Cruzman's wheel balancer, I got one to work with my stand.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the blog, nice to see you got the aux lights back working. We met a few years back when the FZ and Buell events overlapped at TWO. I need to do some lights on my FJ, running through the mountains at nights is tough. The light is pointed forward but the road is off to the left or right. I also feel for you, storing the bikes outside is rough, I also need to figure out a garage/storage for the bikes. It's raining on my poor baby right now.
