There wasn't much damage and the landlord paid for most of it. I say most because I didn't realize my rear rack was fubar until I took it off to tweak the luggage back into place. Crap! So after many months of looking for someone to repair it, I decided to go to Plan B and get a used rack that I saw on eBay.
The thing was fugly but functional and would work until I figured out what to do about my rack. So fugly that I only took a two pictures of the thing after I picked up a used Shad case to replace the broken jcwhitney case that I got on a sale however many years ago.

I love the Shad case, but that rack was just ugly enough to keep me looking for ways to fix my 5 Stars rack. Well things got shifted onto the back burner so I didn't think about the rack anymore except for how ugly it was because it did what it was supposed to do.
As I was prepping the bike for this year's Fall Gather at TWoS, I noticed a crack in the rack. Well now the back burner is starting to warm up. Whatever, I'll fix it when I get back. Right. It broke at the rally. I chose to leave my stuff at TWoS, go home and get the car to retrieve it. That night a diligent eBay searched revealed a Plan C: A Hepco Becker rack that was only missing the top aesthetic piece. SOLD!
It looks a lot better than that no name homemade rack that didn't really slot into place. Best of all I figured out how to put the Shad plate on top of it.
You can even see the broken rack in the background ready for the trash where it belongs. I guess the 5 Stars rack will be trashed too but I can't bring myself to do it just yet. It's unobtanium and I still believe it can be fixed.
Looking at the broken rack, I'm glad I never tried to figure out how to go back to the FZ1 Touring configuration of Baby I had when the tree was dropped on him. I just stuck with only the Trunk. The Hepco Becker has even better options for adding the Chinese Luggage Cases (Chivi?) I got a few years ago. Maybe he'll go back to Touring configuration with the better rack and me more used to 2 up riding.
Now I just have to meet up with Cruzman to retrieve my case. But Baby is as ready for the road as he's gonna be for a minute. He needs tires but that's likely a Christmas thing since I spent some of the tire money on a new rack. Since rain washed out a ride day, I have enough rubber for one more day ride until I can get new tires. I guess I'll use it to catch up with Cruzman and get my case!
Thanks for reading,
patrice, theWolfTamer
Glad to see you are posting up again. I missed the post about the pre rally stuff until just now. See you on two soon.